Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) Practice Exam

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Question: 1 / 50

Which of the following is considered a critical business function?

Promotional events

Operational aspects necessary for business continuity

The correct choice emphasizes the importance of operational aspects required for maintaining business continuity. This function is critical because it ensures that an organization can keep running its essential operations during unexpected disruptions, such as natural disasters, technical failures, or market changes. By focusing on business continuity, organizations can minimize downtime, protect their resources, and ensure that key services remain available to clients and stakeholders. Promotional events, while beneficial for marketing and visibility, do not directly impact the core functioning of a business in times of crisis or operational challenges. Similarly, staff training is vital for employee development and effectiveness, but it is not inherently a business continuity function. Customer feedback systems play an important role in understanding and improving customer experience, but they do not address the operational needs essential for a business to sustain itself during instability. Thus, prioritizing operational aspects for business continuity is key for risk management and long-term success.

Staff training

Customer feedback systems


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